Monday, November 06, 2006

Webb vs Allen

My personal analysis on the elections is that either of the likely winners will be good for the right to keep and bear arms. Which is rather refreshing to have a choice of good candidates. Webb has had the most aggressive campaign to get the 'gun vote' that I have ever seen from a democrat. He is a gun owner and has a concealed handgun permit. Yet originally he said he was not seeking an NRA endorsement. Regardless he has an A rating from the NRA.

Senator Allen's record has been good on firearms. As governor he signed our shall issue concealed handgun permit law. While he had made some disconcerting statements in 2000 such as support for renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban, he seems to have found religion on the RKBA and has consistently voted 'pro-gun' in the senate. He has also introduced a bill to force CHP reciprocity among the states. Webb has stated he is for a 'national permit bill' which could mean the same thing as reciprocity or perhaps not. On the issue of lifting the ban on carry at national parks Allen has been somewhat helpful in the effort, and Webb has promised to bring a bill to the floor. NPS timeline at

Senator Allen has also garnered the NRA endorsement and a comparison of the surveys shows a slight advantage for Allen. He would reject background checks on private sales at gun shows, while Webb would support such checks.

Allens Survey and NRA endorsement

Webbs Survey and Sportsman Letter

There is also the issue of Webb whispering his gun credentials on his website versus Allen putting his NRA endorsement on the front of his website.

There was also an ominous statement by Webb that "as a member of the National Rifle Association, he expects to take the organization to task for supporting Allen".Times I have been critical of the NRA myself at times, however if Webb is locking out the 600 lb gorilla that the NRA is for RKBA, Webb may be not be so good for gun owners after all. Webb has also failed to produce his Gun Owners of America survey, which Allen did and was A rated.

My conclusion that compared to the entire population of politicians, both men are good for the RKBA. However with the possibility of largely antigun Democratic majority in the Senate, Webb's pro gun positions would be irrelevent and his ability to move positive legislation neutered. As Allen holds better positions than Webb and has the track record to back it up, I will be supporting Senator Allen at the polls tommorrow.